Web Marketing Resources
Inbuilt Web Marketing Resources for taking your site to the next level

With the collection of Web Marketing Resources built into the Website Control Panel, you’re able to start popularizing your new web site, as soon as it’s been launched. Using the RSS News tool, you can quickly place a frequently updated news part on your website. With the GeoIP re–direction tool, you’ll be able to route your site visitors based on their location. Moreover, through the Sitemap Generator, you can make a complete sitemap for your website and submit it to the major search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
Get a sitemap with all your web pages in a click
The quickest way to get your recently released website indexed in the search engines will be to publish a sitemap. The sitemap displays all the pages on your site and by uploading it to a search engine, you tell it that you want those pages to be listed as fast as possible. Sitemaps are often created by 3rd party applications. However, with RSR Web Hosting, it is not necessary to navigate from your Website Control Panel. Our inhouse made Sitemap Generator is bundled within the Advanced Tools area and will create a sitemap on your behalf in a click of the mouse.
All you should do is select the top quantity of pages you would like to be listed, the depth of the scanned URLs along with the format of the sitemap document.
GeoIP Redirection
Location–driven redirections with a click
RSR Web Hosting offers you an excellent way to re–direct your site visitors on the basis of their whereabouts. With the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you could redirect all of the visitors who come from a certain region to a native language version of your site. For instance, if you’ve got an Italian version of your website, you can easily forward all of the site visitors from Italy to that particular page instead of asking them to switch to Italian when they visit the English variation. This enables you to offer your site visitors with an intuitive on–line experience right from the start.
It is not necessary for any special capabilities or computer know–how to work with the GeoIP redirection tool. It’s all done with a click of the mouse.
RSS News
Present the most up–to–date headlines within your web site
In the RSR Web Hosting Website Control Panel, we have incorporated an instrument, which allows you to include publications from the most well–liked information sites globally in your websites, with just a click. Our News Publication application operates automatically and will not require any extra setup work on your part,
The RSS News component is simple to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You can easily customize the number of news bits that are going to be showcased, the way they will look like, how they will be arranged, etcetera.